Taxi Trucks

Taxi trucks

Our taxi truck fleet specialises in helping you move items that are too big for your car or trailer. Depends upon what you need moving, we can send the right combination of van size & guys to handle your requirements.

At Move, Lock and Store we know how sometimes getting goods moved can be a headache. To help you with your moving needs, we have a fleet of removal vehicles (from taxi to 5-tonne trucks) that come complete with an able team of experienced removalists. Click Here to make a booking today!

We will move absolutely anything, from a single item of furniture to a full house.

Whether you need goods collecting from your local retailer or heavy pots from a garden centre, look no further than Move, Lock and Store. Our team of experienced removalists will take care of it quickly, efficiently, and very carefully.

When you only need one or few items moved, then lock & Store taxi trucks are the answer

Our Taxi trucks can be used to:

  • Move your goods in & out our of our storage facility
  • Collect goods you may have purchased online
  • Collections from 3rd party locations and delivery to your nominated location

The taxi truck can be either booked by the hour or we will give you a complete price for a job depending on how complex it is.

Why not call us today and to find out more or make a booking on: 03 5977 3560 or send us an enquiry.

Commercial work also is undertaken.

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